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Anti Ragging Committee
- The main objective of this cell is to create awareness among the students on the
importance of "Ragging free Campus"
- To prohibit any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or
written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with
rudeness a fresher or any other student to cause annoyance, hardship or
psychological harm.
- To act on the defaulters who are found guilty of ragging and /or abetting ragging,
actively or passively, or being part of a conspiracy to promote ragging.
FUNCTIONS OF THE COMMITTEE - To Prevent, Prohibit, and Redress any and all forms and instances of Ragging in the
- To educate the students on the meaning of ragging and what constitutes it.
- Wide dissemination of anti-ragging policy and warning through admission
advertisements, prospectus, and other information booklets.
- Introducing anti-ragging policy and warning to the seniors through holistic
education classes.
- Regular interaction and counseling with the students to detect early signs of
ragging and identify trouble-triggers.
- Installation of CCTV cameras at vital points.
- Creating awareness among the students about the functioning of the National Anti-
Ragging Helpline having phone number 1800-180-5522 (24x7 Toll Free)

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